Just An Application

July 8, 2013

Programming With Rust — Part Twenty: Where Have The Sockets Gone ? – Changes Between Rust 0.6 And Rust 0.7

One moment the socket functions were in the module std:net::tcp and the next moment they had gone.

A bit of an exaggeration, but between Rust 0.6 and 0.7 there have been a number of changes which affect the httpd code.

1.0 Std Is The New Core

The core crate has renamed to std and some modules that were in the previous version of the std crate in 0.6 have been moved elsewhere.

Like the core crate before it, it is not necessary to explicitly link to the std crate, but the visibility of some items has changed in the transition and in some cases explicit name bindings are now required.

The most obvious example affects the use of the function io::println.

In 0.6 it was possible to use it as is, in 0.7 it is now necessary to bind the io module name like this

    use std::io;

in files which use io::println.

2.0 The Extra Crate

The extra crate is the new home of some of the modules which had previously been in the std crate in 0.6.

In particular it is the new home of the net modules. So that is where the sockets have gone

3.0 Iterators

Rust is moving from iteration via closures to iteration via explicit iterators.

3.1 The Iterator Trait

The trait Iterator is defined in the module std::iterator.

It defines the method

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A>

which will look familiar to anybody who has progammed in Java.

3.2 The Changes

A number of functions/methods have either changed or disappeared entirely.

For example, the function

    fn each_word<'a>(s: &'a str, it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool)

defined in the str module has gone.

In its place is the method

    fn word_iter(&self) -> WordIterator<'self>

defined by the Str trait.


    fn readRequestLine(buffer: &mut RequestBuffer) -> (Method, RequestURI)
        let     line           = buffer.readLine();
        let mut parts: ~[&str] = ~[];
        str::each_word(line, |part| { parts.push(part); true });
        if (vec::len(parts) != 3)
            fail!(fmt!("Invalid status line: %s", line));
        let method = Method::fromString(parts[0]);
        let uri    = RequestURI::fromString(method, parts[1]);
        (method, uri)

in Rust 0.6, becomes

    fn readRequestLine(buffer: &mut RequestBuffer) -> (Method, RequestURI)
        let     line           = buffer.readLine();
        let mut parts: ~[&str] = ~[];
        for line.word_iter().advance |part| 
        if (parts.len() != 3)
            fail!(fmt!("Invalid status line: %s", line));
        let method = Method::fromString(parts[0]);
        let uri    = RequestURI::fromString(method, parts[1]);

        (method, uri)

in Rust 0.7

4.0 Lifetimes

The methods in httpd which return a borrowed pointer and consequently need to specify a lifetime for that pointer, for example,

    pub fn getURI(&self) -> &'self RequestURI

no longer compile in Rust 0.7.

This change is not specifically mentioned in the release notes.

The solution is to parameterize the method in terms of the lifetime, like so

    pub fn getURI<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RequestURI

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Programming With Rust — Part Nineteen: Just One More Thing – Traits

1.0 Traits

A Rust Trait item defines an abstract type in terms of a set of methods.

For example

    trait Alchemist
        fn transmutate(&self, baseMetal: Lead) -> Gold;

defines the trait Alchemist.

The method transmutate can be called on the value of any type that has the trait Alchemist.

In its basic guise a Rust trait is very similar to a Java interface.

Traits also support inheritance like Java Interfaces but unlike them traits support static methods and default implementations of methods.[1]

2.0 Trait Implementation

The implementation of a trait for a given type is defined using a variant of the implementation item.

For example,

    impl Alchemist for NuclearReactor
        fn transmutate(&self, baseMetal: Lead) -> Gold

defines the implementation of the trait Alchemist for the type NuclearReactor.

3.0 Object Types

The abstract type defined by a trait item is an object type.

A pointer to value of a type which implements a trait, e.g., ~NuclearReactor, is not automatically a pointer to a value of the object type defined by that trait, i.e., ~Alchemist.

In other words, you cannot do this

    let alchemist: ~Alchemist = ~NuclearReactor;

To obtain a pointer to a value of the object type defined by the trait from a pointer to value of a type which implements that trait,
you must explicitly cast it, for example

    let alchemist: ~Alchemist = ~NuclearReactor as ~Alchemist;

4.0 Default Methods

The Rust Reference Manual states that

Traits can include default implementations of methods

However, if you attempt to compile something like this

    trait TraitWithDefaultMethod
        fn notVeryUsefulDefaultMethod(&self, x: uint) -> uint
        fn notVeryUsefulMethod(&self);

    struct AStruct;

    impl TraitWithDefaultMethod for AStruct
        fn notVeryUsefulMethod(&self)

    fn main()

        let twdm = ~AStruct as ~TraitWithDefaultMethod;


you will get this

    ... error: default methods are experimental

Support for default methods can be enabled using the -A flag, like this

    rustc -A default_methods crate-file

which, when attempting to compile the code above, gets you this

    error: internal compiler error: unexpected failure

which is a bit unfortunate.


In the all new Rust 0.7 which has just been released default methods remain experimental but the above code now compiles and runs, which is nice.


  1. Work being done as part of JSR 335: Lambda Expressions for the Java Programming Language will result in Java interfaces also supporting default methods and static methods.

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

July 2, 2013

Programming With Rust — Part Eighteen: Let’s Build A Library

We are now in a position to do something with an incoming HTTP Request, but what ?

HTTP is a versatile protocol, but a protocol is all it is. What a GET Request, for example, should actually get and how is up for grabs.

Rather than hardwire it for one implementation of GET, or POST or what have you, what we can do is turn httpd into a ‘framework’ which just deals with the protocol part and leave the semantics to the user of the framework.

The first step is to turn our executable into a library.

1.0 A Brief Introduction To Rust Attributes

Rust Attributes are a form of metadata which can be associated with crates and items.

An Attribute declaration is defined like this

    attributes_decl : ’#’ ’[’ attributes ’]’ [ ';' ] ? ; 

    attributes      : attribute [ ’,’ attributes ]* 
    attribute       : ident [ ’=’ literal | ’(’ attributes ’)’ ] ? ;

An Attribute declaration applies to the item it precedes unless the declaration is terminated with a semi-colon (;). In this case it applies to the entity in which it is contained.

Currently it is only possible to specify pre-defined Attributes.

2.0 Crate Files And Attributes

We can use the crate_type attribute to specify the type of the binary crate that should be built.

For example, if we include this crate_type Attribute declaration in a crate file

    #[crate_type = "lib"];

then the binary crate built from the crate file will be a library.

The default is bin which is why none of the earlier versions of httpd.rc needed to specify a crate_type attribute.

The name of the library and its version can be specified using the link attribute, like so

    #[link(name = "httpd", vers = "0.6")];

3.0 Modified Source Files

The only existing file we need to change is the crate file, httpd.rc

We need to add the appropriate crate_type and link attributes and remove the main function definition.

We also need to make public those modules that a user of the framework may need to access.

3.1 httpd.rc

// httpd.rc

// Crate file httpd v0.6

#[crate_type = "lib"];

#[link(name = "httpd", vers = "0.6")];

extern mod std;

pub mod HTTP;
pub mod headers;
pub mod request;
pub mod response;
pub mod server;

mod buffer;
mod writer;

4.0 A New Crate: httpd_main

For testing purposes we need a new executable that will link against our new library and initially at least, just run the server as before.

4.1 httpd_main.rc

// httpd_main.rc

extern mod httpd;

use httpd::server;

static PORT: uint = 3534;

static IPV4_LOOPBACK: &'static str = "";

fn main()
    server::run(IPV4_LOOPBACK, PORT);

5.0 Building The Library

We build the library by compiling the crate file as usual

    rustc httpd.rc

This produces a Mac OS X dynamic library


6.0 Building The Executable

We build the executable by compiling its crate file but in this case we need to tell the compiler where the library is using the -L flag like so

    rustc -L . httpd_main.rc

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

June 27, 2013

Programming With Rust — Part Seventeen: The Rest Of httpd v0.5

1.0 Handling A Connection

The handleConnection function now looks like this

    fn handleConnection(socket: TcpSocket)
        let     socketBuf = tcp::socket_buf(socket);
        let mut buffer    = RequestBuffer::new(socketBuf);
        let mut writer    = ResponseWriter::new(socketBuf);

        let     request   = Request::read(&mut buffer);
        let     response  = handleRequest(&request);
        response.write(&mut writer);

This is both sub-optimal and incorrect and results in the connection being closed after a single Request but it will do for now.

2.0 Handling A Request

The handleRequest function currently does nothing more than print out the Request and return a ‘not found’ Response.

    fn handleRequest(request: &Request) -> Response
        io::println(fmt!("request == %?", request));

3.0 Testing

Connecting with a web browser is OK as a basic ‘smoke test’ but we are now at the stage where we need some actual tests.

While it is tempting to write the tests in Rust as well by extending the server side code to support HTTP clients, when writing
anything involving protocols it is always a good idea to test against a completely independent implementation if possible.

3.1 The Test Code

Below is some very simple test code written in Ruby.

    require 'net/http'

    class MethodTests

        def initialize(host, port)
            @host = host
            @port = port
        def run()
            method_tests.each { |method| self.method(method).call() }

        def connect()

                              @host, @port + 2, 
                              @host, @port, 
                              'sjL', 'sjL', { :use_ssl => true } ) do |http|

            rescue Net::HTTPServerException => hse
                puts 'connect: ' + hse.to_s



        def delete


        def get


        def get_proxy
                Net::HTTP.start(@host, @port + 2, @host, @port) do |http|
                    res = http.get('/absolute_uri_test')

                    puts 'get_proxy: ' + res.code

            rescue Net::HTTPServerException => hse
                puts 'get_proxy: ' + hse.to_s

        def head

        def options

            http_method('options', '*')


        def post
            http_method('post', '/post_test', '')


        def put

            http_method('put', '/put_test', '')


        def trace

            def method_tests
                ['connect', 'delete', 'get', 'get_proxy', 'head', 'options', 'post', 'put', 'trace']

            def http_method(name, *args)
                res = Net::HTTP.start(@host, @port) do |http|
                    case args.length
                        when 1
                        when 2
                            http.method(name).call(args[0], args[1])
                            http.method(name).call('/' + name + '_test')

                puts name + ': ' + res.code


    MethodTests.new('', 3534).run()

3.2 The Tests

Between them the tests test all the supported methods and request URI formats.

The only test methods that are possibly not self-explanatory are connect and get_proxy

3.2.1 connect

The connect test method creates an HTTP client that will attampt to use the actual HTTP server at @host:@port as a proxy to access another non-existent HTTP server at @host:(@port + 2) using a secure connection.

The call to the HTTP client’s get method causes it to attempt to create an SSL connection which tunnels through the proxy using the HTTP CONNECT method, which is what we want.

3.2.2 get_proxy

Like the connect test method, the get_proxy test method creates an HTTP client that will attampt to use the actual HTTP server at @host:@port as a proxy to access another non-existent HTTP server at @host:(@port + 2) but in this case using an ordinary non-secure connection.

The call to the HTTP client’s get method causes it to send an HTTP Request with an Absolute URI as the Request URI.

4.0 Running The Tests

4.1 Test Output

When run the test code outputs the following

connect: 404 "Not Found"
delete: 404
get: 404
get_proxy: 404
head: 404
options: 404
post: 404
put: 404
trace: 404

4.2 Server Output

When the test code is run httpd outputs the following (heavily edited for readability)

on_establish_callback({x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x101810400 as *())), {x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
accept succeeded
request == &{method: CONNECT, \
             uri: Authority(~""), \
             headers: {headers: ~[{key: ~"Host", value: ~""}, \
                                  {key: ~"Proxy-Authorization", value: ~"Basic c2pMOnNqTA=="}]}}
new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x101810400 as *())), {x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
accept succeeded
request == &{method: DELETE, \
             uri: AbsolutePath(~"/delete_test"), \
             headers: {headers: ~[{key: ~"Depth", value: ~"Infinity"}, {key: ~"Accept", value: ~"*/*"}, \
                                  {key: ~"User-Agent", value: ~"Ruby"}, {key: ~"Host", value: ~""}]}}
new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x101810400 as *())), {x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
accept succeeded
request == &{method: GET, \
             uri: AbsolutePath(~"/get_test"), \
             headers: {headers: ~[{key: ~"Accept-Encoding", value: ~"gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3"}, \
                                  {key: ~"Accept", value: ~"*/*"}, {key: ~"User-Agent", value: ~"Ruby"}, \
                                  {key: ~"Host", value: ~""}]}}
new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x101810400 as *())), {x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
accept succeeded
request == &{method: GET, \
             uri: AbsoluteURI({scheme: ~"http", user: None, host: ~"", port: Some(~"3536"), \
             path: ~"/absolute_uri_test", query: ~[], fragment: None}), \
             headers: {headers: ~[{key: ~"Accept-Encoding", value: ~"gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3"}, \
                                  {key: ~"Accept", value: ~"*/*"}, {key: ~"User-Agent", value: ~"Ruby"},\
                                  {key: ~"Host", value: ~""}]}}
new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x101810400 as *())), {x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
accept succeeded
request == &{method: HEAD, \
             uri: AbsolutePath(~"/head_test"), \
             headers: {headers: ~[{key: ~"Accept", value: ~"*/*"}, {key: ~"User-Agent", value: ~"Ruby"}, \
                                  {key: ~"Host", value: ~""}]}}
new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x101810400 as *())), {x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
accept succeeded
request == &{method: OPTIONS, \
             uri: Wildcard, \
             headers: {headers: ~[{key: ~"Accept", value: ~"*/*"}, {key: ~"User-Agent", value: ~"Ruby"}, \
                                  {key: ~"Host", value: ~""}]}}
new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x101810400 as *())), {x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
accept succeeded
request == &{method: POST, \
             uri: AbsolutePath(~"/post_test"), \
             headers: {headers: ~[{key: ~"Accept", value: ~"*/*"}, {key: ~"User-Agent", value: ~"Ruby"}, \
                                  {key: ~"Host", value: ~""}, {key: ~"Content-Length", value: ~"0"}, \
                                  {key: ~"Content-Type", value: ~"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}]}}
new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x101810400 as *())), {x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
accept succeeded
request == &{method: PUT, 
             uri: AbsolutePath(~"/put_test"), \
             headers: {headers: ~[{key: ~"Accept", value: ~"*/*"}, {key: ~"User-Agent", value: ~"Ruby"}, \
                                  {key: ~"Host", value: ~""}, {key: ~"Content-Length", value: ~"0"}, \
                                  {key: ~"Content-Type", value: ~"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}]}}
new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x101810400 as *())), {x: {data: (0x100709600 as *())}})
accept succeeded
request == &{method: TRACE, \
             uri: AbsolutePath(~"/trace_test"), \
             headers: {headers: ~[{key: ~"Accept", value: ~"*/*"}, {key: ~"User-Agent", value: ~"Ruby"},\
                                  {key: ~"Host", value: ~""}]}}

5.0 Source Files

5.1 httpd.rc

// httpd.rc

// v0.5

extern mod std;

mod HTTP;
mod buffer;
mod headers;
mod request;
mod response;
mod server;
mod writer;

static PORT: uint = 3534;

static IPV4_LOOPBACK: &'static str = "";

fn main()
    server::run(IPV4_LOOPBACK, PORT);

5.2 server.rs

// server.rs

// part of httpd v0.5

use core::comm::SharedChan;

use core::option::Option;

use core::task;

use std::net::ip;
use std::net::tcp;
use std::net::tcp::TcpErrData;
use std::net::tcp::TcpNewConnection;
use std::net::tcp::TcpSocket;

use std::sync::Mutex;

use std::uv_iotask;

use buffer::RequestBuffer;

use request::Request;

use response::Response;
use response::ResponseBuilder;

use writer::ResponseWriter;


static BACKLOG: uint = 5;

fn on_establish_callback(chan: SharedChan<Option>)
    io::println(fmt!("on_establish_callback(%?)", chan));

fn new_connection_callback(newConn :TcpNewConnection, chan: SharedChan<Option>)
    io::println(fmt!("new_connection_callback(%?, %?)", newConn, chan));
    let mx = Mutex();
    do mx.lock_cond
            let mxc = ~mx.clone();

            do task::spawn 
                match tcp::accept(newConn)
                    Ok(socket) => 
                        io::println("accept succeeded");
                        do mxc.lock_cond
                    Err(error) => 
                        io::println(fmt!("accept failed: %?", error));
                        do mxc.lock_cond

fn handleConnection(socket: TcpSocket)
    let     socketBuf = tcp::socket_buf(socket);
    let mut buffer    = RequestBuffer::new(socketBuf);
    let mut writer    = ResponseWriter::new(socketBuf);
    let     request   = Request::read(&mut buffer);
    let     response  = handleRequest(&request);
    response.write(&mut writer);


fn handleRequest(request: &Request) -> Response
    io::println(fmt!("request == %?", request));


pub fn run(address: &str, port: uint)

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Programming With Rust — Part Sixteen: Representing An HTTP Response

For the moment we will concentrate on getting the client-to-server/server-to-client round-trip working so the initial representation of an HTTP Response will be distinctly minimal.

1.0 HTTP Response: The RFC 2616 Definition

1.1 Response

An HTTP Response is defined like this

    Response      = Status-Line               ; Section 6.1
                    *(( general-header        ; Section 4.5
                     | response-header        ; Section 6.2
                     | entity-header ) CRLF)  ; Section 7.1
                    [ message-body ]          ; Section 7.2

1.2 Status-Line

Status-Line is defined like this

    Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF

The Status-Code is a three digit integer, 404 probably being the most familiar example, and the Reason-Phrase is any text excluding CR and/or LF, the counterpart to 404 being Not Found

2.0 Representing A Response

2.1 The Components

2.1.1 Status

The Status struct represents both the Status-Code and the Reason-Phrase since they are always paired.

    pub struct Status
        code:   uint,
        reason: &'static str

The Status-Code/Reason-Phrase pairs can then be represented as static items, like so

    pub static NOT_FOUND: Status = Status { code: 404, reason: "Not Found" };

2.2 The Response

For the moment the Response struct only holds a Status value.

    pub struct Response
        priv status: Status

3.0 Building A Response

A Response is constructed using a ResponseBuilder.

For the moment it implements a single static method notFound

    impl ResponseBuilder
        pub fn notFound() -> Response
            Response { status: NOT_FOUND }

4.0 Writing A Response

4.1 ResponseWriter

A ResponseWriter is the counterpart of a RequestBuffer.

It knows how to write the lines that make up the HTTP Response to the connection but it does not know how an HTTP Response is represented.

4.2 The Response write Method

The write method implemented by the Response struct writes the most minimal HTTP Response possible

    pub fn write(&self, writer: &mut ResponseWriter)
        writer.writeStatus(self.status.code, self.status.reason);

4.0 Source Files

4.1 HTTP.rs

// HTTP.rs

// part of httpd v0.5

use std::net::url;

pub static CR: u8 = 13;

pub static LF: u8 = 10;

pub static SP: u8 = 32;


pub static VERSION: &'static str = "HTTP/1.1";


pub enum Method

impl Method
    pub fn fromString(s: &str) -> Method
        match s
            "CONNECT" => CONNECT,
            "DELETE"  => DELETE,
            "GET"     => GET,
            "HEAD"    => HEAD,
            "OPTIONS" => OPTIONS,
            "POST"    => POST,
            "PUT"     => PUT,
            "TRACE"   => TRACE,
            _ => 
                fail!(fmt!("Unrecognized method %s", s));


pub enum RequestURI

impl RequestURI
    pub fn fromString(method: Method, s: &str) -> RequestURI
        match method
            CONNECT =>
            _ =>
                let length = s.len();
                if (length == 1)
                    match s.char_at(0)
                        '*' =>
                        '/' =>
                        _ =>
                            fail!(fmt!("Invalid URI: %s", s));
                    match s.char_at(0)
                        '/' =>
                        _ =>
                            match url::from_str(s)
                                Ok(url)  => AbsoluteURI(url),
                                Err(err) => fail!(err)


pub struct Status
    code:   uint,
	reason: &'static str

pub static OK:        Status = Status { code: 200, reason: "OK" };

pub static NOT_FOUND: Status = Status { code: 404, reason: "Not Found" };

4.2 response.rs

// response.rs

// part of httpd v0.5

use HTTP::Status;


use writer::ResponseWriter;

pub struct Response
    priv status: Status

impl Response
    pub fn write(&self, writer: &mut ResponseWriter)
        writer.writeStatus(self.status.code, self.status.reason);

pub struct ResponseBuilder
    priv status: Status

impl ResponseBuilder
    pub fn notFound() -> Response
        Response { status: NOT_FOUND }

4.3 writer.rs

// writer.rs

// part of httpd v0.5

use std::net::tcp::TcpSocketBuf;

use HTTP::CR;
use HTTP::LF;
use HTTP::SP;

enum State

pub struct ResponseWriter
    priv socketBuf: TcpSocketBuf,
    priv state:     State,
    priv buffer:    ~[u8]

static SIZE: uint = 1024;


static COLON: u8 = 58;

impl ResponseWriter
    pub fn new(socketBuf: TcpSocketBuf) -> ResponseWriter
        ResponseWriter { socketBuf: socketBuf, state: INIT, buffer: ~[0u8, ..SIZE] }
    pub fn beginResponse(&mut self)
        self.state = INIT;
    pub fn writeStatus(&mut self, code: uint, reason: &str)
        match self.state
            INIT =>
                // build status line
                self.state = STATUS;
            _ =>
                fail!(~"Internal Error");
    pub fn writeHeader(&mut self, key: &str, value: &str)
        match self.state
            STATUS|HEADERS =>
                // build message-header
                self.state = HEADERS;
            _ =>
                fail!(~"Internal Error");
    pub fn endResponse(&mut self)
        match self.state
            STATUS|HEADERS =>
            _ =>
                fail!(~"Internal Error");
    fn writeLine(&mut self)
    fn append(&mut self, byte: u8)
    fn appendBytes(&mut self, bytes: &[u8])
    fn appendString(&mut self, s: &str)

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

June 24, 2013

Programming With Rust — Part Fifteen: Representing An HTTP Request

Now we can read a raw HTTP response we need to turn it into something useful.

1.0 HTTP Request: The RFC 2616 Definition

1.1 Request

An HTTP Request is defined like this

    Request    = Request-Line              ; Section 5.1
                 *(( general-header        ; Section 4.5
                  | request-header         ; Section 5.3
                  | entity-header ) CRLF)  ; Section 7.1
                 [ message-body ]          ; Section 4.3

1.2 Request-Line

Request-Line is defined like this

    Request-Line    = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF

1.2.1 Method

Method is defined like this

    Method    = "OPTIONS"                ; Section 9.2
              | "GET"                    ; Section 9.3
              | "HEAD"                   ; Section 9.4
              | "POST"                   ; Section 9.5
              | "PUT"                    ; Section 9.6
              | "DELETE"                 ; Section 9.7
              | "TRACE"                  ; Section 9.8
              | "CONNECT"                ; Section 9.9
              | extension-method

1.2.2 Request-URI

Request-URI is defined like this

    Request-URI    = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority

where absoluteURI, abs_path and authority are as defined in RFC 2396.

1.3 Headers

general-header, request-header and entity-header
are all forms of message-header which is defined like this

    message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]

1.4 The Message Body

message-body is defined like this.

    message-body = entity-body
                   | <entity-body encoded as per Transfer-Encoding>
    entity-body    = *OCTET

2.0 Representing A Request

2.1 The Components

2.1.1 The Request Method

We can represent the Method using an enum like so

    enum Method

For the moment we are not going to support extension methods

2.1.2 The Request URI

We can represent the Request URI in terms of its four possible variants by using an enum like so

    enum RequestURI

The AbsoluteURI variant uses the type Url from the std library.

2.1.3 Headers

We are going to represent the set of headers using a new type Headers which is defined like this

    pub struct Headers
        priv headers: ~[Header]

and Header is defined like this

    struct Header
        priv key:   ~str,
        priv value: ~str

2.2 The Request

A Request simply holds the method, the URI and the headers.

    pub struct Request
        priv method:  Method,
        priv uri:     RequestURI,
        priv headers: Headers

For the moment we are going to ignore the message-body.

3.0 The Request Methods

3.1 Reading A Request

We define a static method read on the Request type which takes a RequestBuffer and returns a Request

    pub fn read(buffer: &mut RequestBuffer) -> Request
        let (method, uri) = readRequestLine(buffer);
        let headers       = Headers::read(buffer);
        Request { method: method, uri: uri, headers: headers}

The function readRequestLine reads the request line and splits it into its constituent parts and returns them as a tuple.

    fn readRequestLine(buffer: &mut RequestBuffer) -> (Method, RequestURI)
        let     line           = buffer.readLine();
        let mut parts: ~[&str] = ~[];
        str::each_word(line, |part| { parts.push(part); true });
        if (vec::len(parts) != 3)
            fail!(fmt!("Invalid status line: %s", line));
        let method = Method::fromString(parts[0]);
        let uri    = RequestURI::fromString(method, parts[1]);
        (method, uri)

3.2 Accessors

3.2.1 getMethod

This method is very simple. It just returns the Method held by the Request.

    pub fn getMethod(&self) -> Method

3.2.2 getURI

This method is a little less straightforward than getMethod. Take One

We cannot simply return a shallow copy of the RequestURI like this

    pub fn getURI(&self) -> RequestURI

because to quote the compiler

    request.rs:41:8: 41:16 error: moving out of immutable field
    request.rs:41         self.uri
    error: aborting due to previous error

As we know in this case the RequestURI value is returned via a shallow copy.

A RequestURI value may contain an owned pointer so this would be moved to the copy being returned which would make the original in the Request invalid. Take Two

We could return a deep copy with a pointer to a copy of the original string in the owned heap as well, but this seems a tad extravagant.

An alternative would be to return a borrowed pointer like so

    pub fn getURI(&self) -> &RequestURI

but the compiler is now very unhappy indeed

    request.rs:41:8: 41:17 error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime due to conflicting requirements
    request.rs:41         &self.uri
    request.rs:40:4: 42:5 note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the lifetime &'self  as defined on the block at 40:4...
    request.rs:40     {
    request.rs:41         &self.uri
    request.rs:42     }
    request.rs:41:8: 41:17 note: ...due to the following expression
    request.rs:41         &self.uri
    request.rs:40:4: 42:5 note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the block at 40:4...
    request.rs:40     {
    request.rs:41         &self.uri
    request.rs:42     }
    request.rs:41:8: 41:17 note: ...due to the following expression
    request.rs:41         &self.uri
    error: aborting due to previous error

but it does have a point.

We have not so much attempted to borrow a pointer, as tried to walk off with it without any indication of when we might be planning to give it back, if ever. Take Three

To placate the compiler and assure it of our good intentions we need to explicitly specify the intended lifetime of the borrowed pointer like this

    pub fn getURI(&self) -> &'self RequestURI

The named lifetime


specifies that the lifetime of the borrowed pointer is the same as the thing from which it was borrowed which in this case is the Request.

This makes sense because as long as the Request exists the RequestURI exists, so as long as the Request exists the borrowed pointer to the RequestURI is valid.

3.2.3 getHeader

This method delegates to the Headers get method and returns its result.

    pub fn getHeader(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&'self str>

4.0 The Headers Methods

4.1 Reading The Headers

The static method read reads the successive header lines until an empty line is read.

Each header lined is convered to a Header value.

The method returns a Headers value constructed using the collected Header values.

    pub fn read(buffer: &mut RequestBuffer) -> Headers
        let mut headers: ~[Header] = ~[];
            let line = buffer.readLine();
            if (line.len() == 0)
        Headers { headers: headers }

The function toHeader splits the header line into a key and a value and returns the result as a Header value.

    fn toHeader(line: &str) -> Header
        let mut parts: ~[&str] = ~[];
        str::each_splitn_char(line, ':', 1, |s| { parts.push(s); true });
        if (vec::len(parts) != 2)
            fail!(fmt!("Bad header: %s", line));
        Header { key: parts[0].to_str(), value: parts[1].trim().to_str() }

4.2 Getting A Header Value

The get method returns an Option as it is possible that the specified header was not present in the original HTTP Request.

If the header is present a borrowed pointer to the value is returned via the Option Ok variant.

The lifetime of the borrowed pointer is explicitly specified to be self. (See the Request getURI method.)

    pub fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&'self str>
        let lcKey = str::to_lower(key);
        match self.headers.position(|h| h.key.to_lower() == lcKey)
            Some(index) => 
                let value: &str = self.headers[index].value;
            None        => None

5.0 Method and RequestURI Methods

5.1 Method.fromString

The Method fromString static method is very simple. If the argument matches one of the defined methods return the corresponding enum variant, otherwise fail.

    impl Method
        pub fn fromString(s: &str) -> Method
            match s
                "CONNECT" => CONNECT,
                "DELETE"  => DELETE,
                "GET"     => GET,
                "HEAD"    => HEAD,
                "OPTIONS" => OPTIONS,
                "POST"    => POST,
                "PUT"     => PUT,
                "TRACE"   => TRACE,
                _ => 
                    fail!(fmt!("Unrecognized method %s", s));

5.2 RequestURI.fromString

The RequestURI fromString static method converts the string specifying the URI contained in the HTTP Request into one of the variants of the enum type RequestURI.

It takes the Method of the Request as an argument so that it can identify the CONNECT case where the specified Request-URI is actually is an authority which may otherwise be indistinguishable from an absoluteURI in certain circumstances.

    impl RequestURI
        pub fn fromString(method: Method, s: &str) -> RequestURI
            match method
                CONNECT =>
                _ =>
                    let length = s.len();
                    if (length == 1)
                        match s.char_at(0)
                            '*' =>
                            '/' =>
                            _ =>
                                fail!(fmt!("Invalid URI: %s", s));
                        match s.char_at(0)
                            '/' =>
                            _ =>
                                match url::from_str(s)
                                    Ok(url)  => AbsoluteURI(url),
                                    Err(err) => fail!(err)

6.0 Source Files

6.1 headers.rs

// headers.rs

// part of httpd v0.5

use buffer::RequestBuffer;

pub struct Headers
    priv headers: ~[Header]

struct Header
    priv key:   ~str,
    priv value: ~str

impl Headers
    pub fn read(buffer: &mut RequestBuffer) -> Headers
        let mut headers: ~[Header] = ~[];
            let line = buffer.readLine();
            if (line.len() == 0)
        Headers { headers: headers }
    pub fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&'self str>
        let lcKey = str::to_lower(key);
        match self.headers.position(|h| h.key.to_lower() == lcKey)
            Some(index) => 
                let value: &str = self.headers[index].value;
            None        => None

fn toHeader(line: &str) -> Header
    let mut parts: ~[&str] = ~[];
    str::each_splitn_char(line, ':', 1, |s| { parts.push(s); true });
    if (vec::len(parts) != 2)
        fail!(fmt!("Bad header: %s", line));
    Header { key: parts[0].to_str(), value: parts[1].trim().to_str() }

6.2 request.rs

// request.rs

// part of httpd v0.5

use HTTP::Method;
use HTTP::RequestURI;

use buffer::RequestBuffer;

use headers::Headers;


pub struct Request
     priv method:  Method,
     priv uri:     RequestURI,
     priv headers: Headers

impl Request
    pub fn read(buffer: &mut RequestBuffer) -> Request
        let (method, uri) = readRequestLine(buffer);
        let headers       = Headers::read(buffer);
        Request { method: method, uri: uri, headers: headers}
    pub fn getMethod(&self) -> Method
    pub fn getURI(&self) -> &'self RequestURI
    pub fn getHeader(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&'self str>

fn readRequestLine(buffer: &mut RequestBuffer) -> (Method, RequestURI)
    let     line           = buffer.readLine();
    let mut parts: ~[&str] = ~[];
    str::each_word(line, |part| { parts.push(part); true });
    if (vec::len(parts) != 3)
        fail!(fmt!("Invalid status line: %s", line));
    let method = Method::fromString(parts[0]);
    let uri    = RequestURI::fromString(method, parts[1]);
    (method, uri)

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

June 21, 2013

Programming With Rust — Part Fourteen: Crates, Modules And Files

Whilest adding the RequestBuffer definitions directly to the existing httpd.rc file was OK for the purposes of experimentation it is not a good habit to get into.

If we keep lobbing everything into httpd.rc before very long it will have turned into an impenetrable “wall of code”.

We need to place sets of related definitions in separate files and then specify that they are part of the crate.

1.0 Crate Files And Modules

A crate comprises an anonymous module and the items it contains.

These items are defined in the crate file.

The items in the crate file can include module items.

A module item defines a module nested within the anonymous top-level module of the crate.

A module item can define a module and the items it contains explicitly or it can reference a module contained in another file.

A module item which references a module in another file is of the form

    "mod" module_name ';'

By default this identifies the module contained in a file of the same name with the suffix “.rs”.

For example, the module item

    mod buffer;

identifies the module buffer in the file buffer.rs

2.0 Source Files And Modules

A Rust source file implicitly defines a module which contains all the items within that file.

When specified as part of a crate the name of the implicitly defined module is determined by the module item in the crate file which references it.

3.0 Moving Items Into Separate Files

We effectively have two sets of items which we can move into separate files.

  • the items which define the RequestBuffer and implement it, and

  • the function definitions and static items for listening on a socket and accepting a connection

We will move these into the files





3.1 buffer.rs

We need to make the RequestBuffer struct and the static method new and the method readLine public so they can be accessed from outside the module. [1].

3.2 server.rs

In server.rs we need to add

    use buffer::RequestBuffer;

and we are going to rename the main function to run and add parameters for address and port so they can be passed in rather than being hard-wired


In httpd.rc nearly everything has gone.

We need to add

    mod buffer;
    mod server;

We are going to hang on the IPV4_LOOPBACK and PORT static items so we can pass them to the function server::run which we are going to invoke from our new main function.

4.0 The New httpd Crate Module Structure


5.0 The Source Code For httpd v0.4

5.1 buffer.rs

// buffer.rs

// part of httpd v0.4

use std::net::tcp::TcpSocketBuf;

// RequestBuffer

pub struct RequestBuffer
    priv socketBuf: TcpSocketBuf,
    priv bytes:     ~[u8],


static SIZE: uint = 4096;


static CR: u8 = 13;

static LF: u8 = 10;

impl RequestBuffer
    pub fn new(socketBuf: TcpSocketBuf) -> RequestBuffer
        RequestBuffer { socketBuf: socketBuf, bytes: ~[0u8, ..SIZE] }

    pub fn readLine(&mut self) -> ~str
        let mut state = 0;
            let i = self.socketBuf.read_byte();
            if (i < 0)
            let b = i as u8;
            match state
                0 => 
                    if (b == CR)
                        state = 1;
                1 => 
                    if (b == LF)
                        return str::from_bytes(vec::const_slice(self.bytes, 0, self.bytes.len() - 1));
                        state = 0;
                _ => 
                    fail!(fmt!("state == %u !", state));

5.2 server.rs

// server.rs

// part of httpd v0.4

extern mod std;

use core::comm::SharedChan;

use core::option::Option;

use core::task;

use std::net::ip;
use std::net::tcp;
use std::net::tcp::TcpErrData;
use std::net::tcp::TcpNewConnection;
use std::net::tcp::TcpSocket;

use std::net::tcp::socket_buf;

use std::sync::Mutex;

use std::uv_iotask;

use buffer::RequestBuffer;

fn on_establish_callback(chan: SharedChan<Option>)
    io::println(fmt!("on_establish_callback(%?)", chan));

fn new_connection_callback(newConn :TcpNewConnection, chan: SharedChan<Option>)
    io::println(fmt!("new_connection_callback(%?, %?)", newConn, chan));
    let mx = Mutex();
    do mx.lock_cond
            let mxc = ~mx.clone();

            do task::spawn 
                    match tcp::accept(newConn)
                        Ok(socket) => 
                            io::println("accept succeeded");
                            do mxc.lock_cond
                        Err(error) => 
                            io::println(fmt!("accept failed: %?", error));
                            do mxc.lock_cond

fn handleConnection(socket: TcpSocket)
    let mut buffer      = RequestBuffer::new(socket_buf(socket));
    let     requestLine = buffer.readLine();
        let line = buffer.readLine();
        if (str::len(line) == 0)
    fail!(~"Now what ?");

static BACKLOG: uint = 5;

pub fn run(address: &str, port: uint)

5.3 httpd.rc

// httpd.rc

// v0.4

extern mod std;

mod buffer;
mod server;

static PORT: uint = 3534;

static IPV4_LOOPBACK: &'static str = "";

fn main()
    server::run(IPV4_LOOPBACK, PORT);


  • I discovered quite inadvertently that it is not actually necessary to make the RequestBuffer type public explicitly.
    The implementation seems to do this implicitly. This behaviour does not seem to be documented.

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

June 20, 2013

Programming With Rust — Part Thirteen: Reading An HTTP Request

Now we have a connection we can read the incoming HTTP request.

1.0 An HTTP Request

An HTTP request arrives over a connection as

  • a request line

followed by

  • zero or more header lines

followed by

  • an empty line

followed by

  • a message body

which is optional.

A line is terminated by a carriage-return (CR == ASCII 13) immediately followed by a line-feed (LF == ASCII 10).

Ideally we would like to read the entire request from the connection “in one go” but that is not possible because there is no way of knowing how big a given HTTP request is before we read it.

To abstract out the unfortunately indeterminate nature of an incoming HTTP request, we will start by defining a RequestBuffer type which will deal with the vagaries of reading the necessary bytes from the connection and converting them into lines.

2.0 RequestBuffer: Take One

The original idea was that RequestBuffer would look something like this

    struct RequestBuffer
        priv socketBuf:     TcpSocketBuf,
        priv bytes:         ~[u8],
        priv size:          uint,
        priv available:     uint,
        priv position:      uint,
        priv lastLineEnd:   uint

and there would be a readLine method which would look something like this

    impl RequestBuffer
        fn readLine(&mut self) -> ~str
            let mut state = 0;
                if (self.position == self.available)
                    // read all the bytes currently available from the connection
                let b = self.bytes[self.position];
                self.position += 1;
                match state
                    0 => 
                        if (b == 13) // CR
                            state = 1;
                    1 => 
                        if (b == 10) // LF
                            // make string representing line from buffered bytes
                            let line = ...
                            self.lastLineEnd = self.position;
                            return line;
                            state = 0;
                    _ => 
                        fail!(fmt!("state == %u !", state));

but at the moment there does not seem to be any way of simply reading all the bytes currently available on the connection in one go that actually works.

2.1 RequestBuffer: Take Two

This is a version that works but there really isn’t a whole lot of buffering going on.

2.1.1 RequestBuffer

    struct RequestBuffer
        priv socketBuf: TcpSocketBuf,
        priv bytes:     ~[u8],

2.1.2 The readLine Method


    static CR: u8 = 13;

    static LF: u8 = 10;


    impl RequestBuffer
        fn readLine(&mut self) -> ~str
            let mut state = 0;
                let i = self.socketBuf.read_byte();
                if (i < 0)
                let b = i as u8;
                match state
                    0 => 
                        if (b == CR)
                            state = 1;
                    1 => 
                        if (b == LF)
                            return str::from_bytes(vec::const_slice(self.bytes, 0, self.bytes.len() - 1));
                            state = 0;
                    _ => 
                        fail!(fmt!("state == %u !", state));


2.1.3 The new Method

The new method is a static method which can be used to create a RequestBuffer.

    fn new(socketBuf: TcpSocketBuf) -> RequestBuffer
        RequestBuffer { socketBuf: socketBuf, bytes: ~[0u8, ..SIZE] }

3.0 The handleConnection Function

If the accept function is successful we now call the handleConnection function which is defined like this

    fn handleConnection(socket: TcpSocket)
        let mut buffer      = RequestBuffer::new(socket_buf(socket));
        let     requestLine = buffer.readLine();
            let line = buffer.readLine();
            if (str::len(line) == 0)
        fail!(~"Now what ?");

4.0 Running The Code

Running the code and pointing a web browser at produces this

    on_establish_callback({x: {data: (0x1007094f0 as *())}})
    new_connection_callback(NewTcpConn((0x10200b000 as *())), {x: {data: (0x1007094f0 as *())}})
    accept succeeded
    GET / HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    DNT: 1
    Connection: keep-alive

    rust: task failed at 'Now what ?', httpd.rc:172
    rust: domain main @0x10201ee10 root task failed
    rust: task failed at 'killed', /Users/simon/Src/lang/rust-0.6/src/libcore/pipes.rs:314

5.0 The Source Code For httpd v0.3

// httpd.rc

// v0.3

extern mod std;

use core::comm::SharedChan;

use core::option::Option;

use core::task;

use std::net::ip;
use std::net::tcp;
use std::net::tcp::TcpErrData;
use std::net::tcp::TcpNewConnection;
use std::net::tcp::TcpSocket;
use std::net::tcp::TcpSocketBuf;

use std::net::tcp::socket_buf;

use std::sync::Mutex;

use std::uv_iotask;

// RequestBuffer

struct RequestBuffer
    priv socketBuf: TcpSocketBuf,
    priv bytes:     ~[u8],


static SIZE: uint = 4096;


static CR: u8 = 13;

static LF: u8 = 10;

impl RequestBuffer
    fn new(socketBuf: TcpSocketBuf) -> RequestBuffer
        RequestBuffer { socketBuf: socketBuf, bytes: ~[0u8, ..SIZE] }

    fn readLine(&mut self) -> ~str
        let mut state = 0;
            let i = self.socketBuf.read_byte();
            if (i < 0)
            let b = i as u8;
            match state
                0 => 
                    if (b == CR)
                        state = 1;
                1 => 
                    if (b == LF)
                        return str::from_bytes(vec::const_slice(self.bytes, 0, self.bytes.len() - 1));
                        state = 0;
                _ => 
                    fail!(fmt!("state == %u !", state));

static BACKLOG: uint = 5;
static PORT:    uint = 3534;

static IPV4_LOOPBACK: &'static str = "";

fn on_establish_callback(chan: SharedChan<Option<TcpErrData>>)
    io::println(fmt!("on_establish_callback(%?)", chan));

fn new_connection_callback(newConn :TcpNewConnection, chan: SharedChan<Option<TcpErrData>>)
    io::println(fmt!("new_connection_callback(%?, %?)", newConn, chan));
    let mx = Mutex();
    do mx.lock_cond
            let mxc = ~mx.clone();

            do task::spawn 
                match tcp::accept(newConn)
                    Ok(socket) => 
                        io::println("accept succeeded");
                        do mxc.lock_cond
                    Err(error) => 
                        io::println(fmt!("accept failed: %?", error));
                        do mxc.lock_cond

fn handleConnection(socket: TcpSocket)
    let mut buffer      = RequestBuffer::new(socket_buf(socket));
    let     requestLine = buffer.readLine();
        let line = buffer.readLine();
        if (str::len(line) == 0)
    fail!(~"Now what ?");

fn main()

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

June 18, 2013

Programming With Rust — Part Twelve: Even More Things We Need To Know – Methods

1.0 Implementations

Methods are defined for a specific type using an implementation.

For example, given this struct definition

    struct QName
        prefix:    ~str,
        nsURI:     ~str,
        localPart: ~str

we would do this to define methods on the type QName

    impl QName
        ... method definitions go here ...

2.0 Method Definitions

A method is defined in the same way as a function but with self or some kind of pointer to self as a special first parameter.

At runtime self is bound to the value on which the method has been invoked.

For example,

    impl QName
        fn getPrefix(&self) -> ~str


Using a borrowed pointer to self means that the method is applicable to a value of type QName regardless of where it is stored.

If a method can modify the value on which it is called the self parameter must be declared mutable.

    impl QName
        fn setPrefix(&mut self, prefix: ~str)
            self.prefix = prefix;

3.0 Static Method Definitions

A static method definition is an ordinary function definition, or, if you prefer, a method definition without a self parameter.

We can define a static method new to create a QName value like this

    impl QName
        fn new(prefix: ~str, nsURI: ~str, localPart: ~str) -> QName
            QName { prefix: prefix, nsURI: nsURI, localPart: localPart }

4.0 Invoking Static Methods

Static methods are invoked as functions but with the name prefixed by the type name like so

    let rights = QName::new(~"dc", ~"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", ~"rights");

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and
specific direction to the original content.

June 17, 2013

Programming With Rust — Part Eleven: Even More Things We Need To Know – The Portmanteau Edition

1.0 Machine Independent Integers

Rust supports explicitly sized, and hence machine independent, signed and unsigned integer types.

The supported signed integer types are

  • i8

  • i16

  • i32

  • i64

The supported unsigned integer types are, unsurprisingly

  • u8

  • u16

  • u32

  • u64

2.0 Vectors

A Rust vector type specifies a one-dimensional array of values of the same type.

The vector type can specify an exact size

   [u8, ..512]

in which case it can be allocated on the stack.

If the type does not specify an exact size then it cannot be allocated on the stack and the type declaration must identify where it should be allocated, which is either in the managed heap of the current task, like so


or in the owned heap, like so


A value of a vector type can be specified by explicitly enumerating all of its elements

    let o_vec: ~[u8] = ~[0, 1, 2, 3];

or by specifying an initial value and a size.

   let s_vec: [u8, ..512] = [0u8, ..512];

Individual elements of a vector can be accessed by indexing as you might expect.

For example

   let element_zero: u8 = s_vec[0];

3.0 Structs

A Rust struct type defines a set of named values.

For example

    struct QName
        prefix:    ~str,
        nsURI:     ~str,
        localPart: ~str

This is an example of a struct item.

3.1 Creating Values

A value of a struct type is created using a struct expression which has a similar syntax to a struct item

    typename '{' [fieldname ':' expression] [',' fieldname ':' expression ]* '}'

For example you can create an value of type QName like this

    let rights = QName {prefix:~"dc", nsURI:~"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", localPart:~"rights"};

This creates an immutable value of type QName in the current stack frame.

You can also create a value of a struct type in the managed heap, for example

    let m_rights = @QName {prefix:~"dc", nsURI:~"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", localPart:~"rights"};

or in the owned heap

    let o_rights = ~QName {prefix:~"dc", nsURI:~"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", localPart:~"rights"};

3.2 Direct Field Access

You can access the fields of a value of struct type using dot (.) notation, like so


    let rights_prefix:    &str = rights.prefix;
    let rights_nsURI:     &str = rights.nsURI;
    let rights_localPart: &str = rights.localPart;


3.3 Access Control

The fields of a value of a struct type are public by default but they can be made private like so

    struct QName
        priv prefix:    ~str,
        priv nsURI:     ~str,
        priv localPart: ~str

The effect of this is to limit construction of values of the struct type, and direct field access, to code defined in the module in which the struct is defined.

4.0 Tuples

A Tuple is an immutable fixed-size collection of values.

A tuple value is written as a parentheses delimited list of comma separated values.

A tuple type is written as a parentheses delimited list of comma separated types.

For example, extending the field access example above, we can do this


    let rights_prefix:    &str = rights.prefix;
    let rights_nsURI:     &str = rights.nsURI;
    let rights_localPart: &str = rights.localPart;
    let rights_tuple:  (&str, &str, &str) = (rights_prefix, rights_nsURI, rights_localPart);


The only way to access the elements of a tuple is by pattern matching.

For example


    let (prefix, nsURI, localPart) = rights_tuple;
    io::println(fmt!("prefix     == %?", prefix));
    io::println(fmt!("nsURI      == %?", nsURI));
    io::println(fmt!("localPart  == %?", localPart));



    prefix     == "dc"
    nsURI      == "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
    localPart  == "rights"

You can achieve the same effect by using a match expression like this

   match rights_tuple
        (prefix, nsURI, localPart) =>
            io::println(fmt!("prefix     == %?", prefix));
            io::println(fmt!("nsURI      == %?", nsURI));
            io::println(fmt!("localPart  == %?", localPart));

5.0 Argument Passing, Value Returning, And Other Things Of That Ilk

Arguments are passed by value using a shallow copy, so if the argument is a composite value containing pointers then it is only a copy
of the value itself, any pointers it contains point to the same things as the original.

The same is true for return values and for assignment.

As we have already seen, if the value being passed, returned or assigned is an owned pointer then the copy becomes a move as the original is invalidated.

The use of a shallow copy for composite values means that the same is necessarily true if those values directly or indirectly contain one or more owned pointers.

For example, if we have a function defined like this

    fn start_element(name: QName)

and we invoke it with a stack allocated QName value as its argument like this

    let rights = QName { prefix:~"dc", nsURI:~"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", localPart:~"rights"};


then after the call to start_element the local variable rights is invalid.

This is because a QName value contains three owned pointers, so when it is passed to the function using a shallow copy the ownership of those owned pointers must be transferred, so the original value must be invalidated as it is no longer usable.

Copyright (c) 2013 By Simon Lewis. All Rights Reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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