Just An Application

August 24, 2015

Drawing Triangles For Fun And Profit, Or How To Make Your Popovers Stand Out From The Crowd

Filed under: iOS, Swift, UIKIt, UIPopoverBackgroundView — Tags: , , , — Simon Lewis @ 11:02 am

If have you have ever wanted to make the arrows of your popovers that little bit more ‘pointy’, or you have hankered after a co-respondent popover, for example


then help is at hand courtesy of the UIPopoverBackgroundView class.

The UIPopoverBackgroundView Class

The UIPopoverBackgroundView class defines two properties.

The arrowDirection Property

    var arrowDirection: UIPopoverArrowDirection

The documentation for this reads

The direction in which the popover arrow is pointing.

which is entirely obvious unless it is not.

A picture sometimes helps.

Arrows And Their Directions


The arrowOffset Property

    var arrowOffset: CGFloat

The documentation uses a lot of words to explain this.

Here are some pictures instead

Offset For Vertical Arrows


Offset For Horizontal Arrows


The UIPopoverBackgroundViewMethods Protocol

The UIPopoverBackgroundView class implements the UIPopoverBackgroundViewMethods protocol

The arrowBase Method

    static func arrowBase() -> CGFloat

Note that this is a static, i.e., class method

The base of an arrow (see below) must be the same for all directions and it must not change.

The arrowHeight Method

    static func arrowHeight() -> CGFloat

Note that this is a static, i.e., class method

The height of an arrow (see below) must be the same for all directions and it must not change.

The contentViewInsets Method

    static func contentViewInsets() -> UIEdgeInsets

Note that this is a static, i.e., class method

This method specifies the distances between the edges of the popover’s content and the edges of the background view’s frame. exclusive of the arrow.

Arrow Bases And Heights


Subclassing The UIPopoverBackgroundView Class

The only way to make use of the UIPopoverBackgroundView class is to sub-class it and override both it properties and the three methods defined by the UIPopoverBackgroundViewMethods protocol.

The arrowDirection Property

It is not possible to override the arrowDirection property with a stored property so we need to define a computed

To start with we don’t really know what we should be doing when getting or setting the value but the pseudo-code looks like this

    override var arrowDirection : UIPopoverArrowDirection
            return ????
            ???? = newValue

The arrowOffset Property

The same holds true for the arrowOffset property. It needs to be overridden by a computed property and we don’t really know what we will need to do.

    override var arrowOffset : CGFloat
            return ????
            ???? = newValue

The arrowBase Method

This is a ‘class’ method so there is not a lot of room for manoeuvre, We will will need to return some kind of constant value obtained from somewhere.

    override static func arrowBase() -> CGFloat
        return ????

The arrowHeight Method

The same is true for the arrowHeight method.

    override static func arrowHeight() -> CGFloat
        return ????

The contentViewInsets Method

This one we can do straight away

    override static func contentViewInsets() -> UIEdgeInsets
        return UIEdgeInsets(top: 10.0, left: 10.0, bottom:10.0, right: 10.0)

but its really not that exciting.

A Direction Digression Or When Is An Enum Not An Enum ?

For our purposes the arrow direction can be one of

  • Up

  • Down

  • Left

  • Right

This can be represented by the Swift enum

    enum Direction
        case UP
        case DOWN
        case LEFT
        case RIGHT

which results in switch statements that look like this

    switch direction
        case .UP:
        case .DOWN:
        case .LEFT:
        case .RIGHT:

What the API uses to represent the direction of an arrow is the type


which results in switch statements that look like this

    switch direction
        case UIPopoverArrowDirection.Up:
        case .UIPopoverArrowDirection.Down:
        case .UIPopoverArrowDirection.Left:
        case .UIPopoverArrowDirection.Right:

because in Swift UIPopoverArrowDirection is not an enum at all.

In Objective-C UIPopoverArrowDirection is defined like this

    typedef NSUInteger UIPopoverArrowDirection;

There are some associated constants defined using an anonymous enum

    enum {
        UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp = 1UL << 0,
        UIPopoverArrowDirectionDown = 1UL << 1,
        UIPopoverArrowDirectionLeft = 1UL << 2,
        UIPopoverArrowDirectionRight = 1UL << 3,
        UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny = UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp | UIPopoverArrowDirectionDown |
        UIPopoverArrowDirectionLeft | UIPopoverArrowDirectionRight,
        UIPopoverArrowDirectionUnknown = NSUIntegerMax

This is a standard ‘C’ idiom which makes it possible to specify both an arrow direction and a set of arrow directions as values of the ‘type’ UIPopoverArrowDirection.

This translates to something like the following in Swift

    struct UIPopoverArrowDirection : RawOptionSetType {
        init(_ rawValue: UInt)
        init(rawValue rawValue: UInt)
        static var Up: UIPopoverArrowDirection { get }
        static var Down: UIPopoverArrowDirection { get }
        static var Left: UIPopoverArrowDirection { get }
        static var Right: UIPopoverArrowDirection { get }
        static var Any: UIPopoverArrowDirection { get }
        static var Unknown: UIPopoverArrowDirection { get }

which provides a bit of syntactic sugar, and a little more type safety in that you cannot accidentally pass any old UInt to something expecting a UIPopoverArrowDirection value. Now you have to wrap it in a struct first !

In our case, semantically at least, the API shouldn’t be passing a value that is not equal to one of the static values Up, Down, Left, or Right but as the compiler is making clear there is nothing to stop it doing so programatically, hence the need for a ‘default’ case.

The problem with having to deal with a default case is that increases the complexity of the code for no gain whatsoever.

Each time we switch on a value of ‘type’ UIPopoverArrowDirection we have to decide what the ‘right thing’ to do is in the default case, even if that thing is nothing.

If we change the code containing the switch then the decision needs to be taken once again.

If we need to add another switch you need to make the decision again.

Its much easier and safer to work with values of type Direction internally, converting from the UIPopoverArrowDirection value at the point it is set and converting back again when the value is accessed

We can extend Direction quite simply to do the conversions for us

    extension Direction
        static func fromPopoverArrowDirection(direction:UIPopoverArrowDirection) -> Direction?
            switch direction
                case UIPopoverArrowDirection.Up:
                    return .UP
                case UIPopoverArrowDirection.Down:
                    return .DOWN
                case UIPopoverArrowDirection.Left:
                    return .LEFT
                case UIPopoverArrowDirection.Right:
                    return .RIGHT
                    return nil
        func toPopoverArrowDirection() -> UIPopoverArrowDirection
            switch self
                case .UP:
                    return UIPopoverArrowDirection.Up
                case .DOWN:
                    return UIPopoverArrowDirection.Down
                case .LEFT:
                    return UIPopoverArrowDirection.Left
                case .RIGHT:
                    return UIPopoverArrowDirection.Right

We’re Going To Need An ‘Arrow’

So far its been all arrows all the time so let’s define a nifty structure to hold all the arrow related stuff

    private struct Arrow
        let height    : CGFloat   = 30.0
        let base      : CGFloat   = 20.0
        var direction : Direction = .UP
        var offset    : CGFloat   = 0.0

a variable for storing one

    private var arrow  : Arrow = Arrow()

and a ‘prototype’ arrow for the static methods to access

    private static let PROTO_ARROW = Arrow()

New And Improved

We can now flesh out the implementations of the overridden methods and properties like so

    override static func arrowBase() -> CGFloat
        return PROTO_ARROW.base
    override static func arrowHeight() -> CGFloat
        return PROTO_ARROW.height

For the arrowDirection property, if we are ever handed an ‘invalid’ UIPopoverArrowDirection value we simply drop it on the floor. Its not clear what else we could do.

    override var arrowDirection : UIPopoverArrowDirection
            return arrow.direction.toPopoverArrowDirection()
            if let direction = Direction.fromPopoverArrowDirection(newValue)
                arrow.direction = direction
    override var arrowOffset: CGFloat
            return arrow.offset
            arrow.offset = newValue

Now What ?

Now we have to provide the ‘background’ for the popover.

By default the background is simply an arrow plus a rectangle.

In theory we could draw it but the documentation states that we should use images.

To do this we need to add two instances of UIImageView as subviews, one for the arrow and one for the ‘rest’


The basic task is to work out where the two components of the background should go.

We need to set the frames of the two subviews on the basis of the arrow base and height, and the current values for the arrow’s direction and offset.

We can define a method on the Arrow struct which returns its frame given the bounds of its super view

    func frame(container:CGRect) -> CGRect
        let containerMidX   = CGRectGetMidX(container)
        let containerMidY   = CGRectGetMidY(container)
        let containerWidth  = container.size.width
        let containerHeight = container.size.height
        let halfBase        = base/2.0
        let x    : CGFloat
        let y    : CGFloat
        let size : CGSize = frameSize()
        switch direction
            case .UP:
                x = containerMidX + offset - halfBase
                y = 0.0
            case .DOWN:
                x = containerMidX + offset - halfBase
                y = containerHeight - height
            case .LEFT:
                x = 0.0
                y = containerMidY + offset - halfBase
            case .RIGHT:
                x = containerWidth - height
                y = containerMidY + offset - halfBase
        return CGRect(x: x, y: y, width:size.width, height:size.height)

When the arrow is ‘vertical’ the x coordinate of the origin is the same, and the arrow is either at the ‘top’ if the direction is .UP, or at the bottom if the direction is .DOWN.

When the arrow is ‘horizontal’ the y coordinate of the origin is the same and the arrow is on the left if the direction is .LEFT or on the right if the direction is .RIGHT.

This method calls the frameSize method

    private func frameSize() -> CGSize
        switch direction
            case .UP,
                return CGSize(width: base, height: height)
            case .LEFT,
                return CGSize(width: height, height: base)

Since the layout is a function of the current values of the arrow’s direction and offset we need to add calls to the setNeedLayout method each time either of these values change.

    override var arrowDirection : UIPopoverArrowDirection
            return arrow.direction.toPopoverArrowDirection()
            if let direction = Direction.fromPopoverArrowDirection(newValue)
                arrow.direction = direction
    override var arrowOffset: CGFloat
            return arrow.offset
            arrow.offset = newValue

This ensures that the layoutSubviews method will be called when necessary.

    override func layoutSubviews()
        let arrowFrame      = arrow.frame(self.bounds)
        var backgroundFrame = self.bounds
        switch arrow.direction
            case .UP:
                backgroundFrame.origin.y    += arrowFrame.height
                backgroundFrame.size.height -= arrowFrame.height
            case .DOWN:
                backgroundFrame.size.height -= arrowFrame.height
            case .LEFT:
                backgroundFrame.origin.x   += arrowFrame.width
                backgroundFrame.size.width -= arrowFrame.width
            case .RIGHT:
                backgroundFrame.size.width -= arrowFrame.width
        backgroundView?.frame = backgroundFrame
        arrowView?.image = arrowImages[arrow.direction]
        arrowView?.frame = arrowFrame

Wiring It All Up

To get our UIPopoverBackgroundView sub-class to be used for a popover being presented via a segue we need to set the property

   var popoverBackgroundViewClass: AnyObject.Type?

of the UIPopoverPresentationController instance, managing the popover’s display.

This can be done in the appropriate prepareForSegue method

    override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?)
        if let segueId = segue.identifier
            switch segueId
                case "CustomPopoverSegue":
                    let dvc = segue.destinationViewController as? UIViewController
                    let ppc = dvc?.popoverPresentationController
                    ppc?.popoverBackgroundViewClass = CustomPopoverBackgroundView.self

Note that it is the class itself not an instance of the class which is assigned to the property.

About That Arrow Drawing …

It turns out that no actual drawing of arrows is required at runtime which is a bit disappointing.

This is not strictly true, you can draw them, it does appear to work, but you are supposed to use images.

You can, if you wish, use a single image and rotate it as necessary.

Alternatively, for those of us who do not entirely trust affine transformations, after all how do you know what they are really doing ?, you simply have one image for each direction, which you can of course draw, so all is not lost.

Here’s some very simple code for drawing a triangle on Mac OS X.

    func drawArrow(width:Int, height:Int, vertices:(CGPoint, CGPoint, CGPoint), colour:NSColor) -> NSData?
        let bitmap = NSBitmapImageRep(
                             (4 * width),
        let (v0, v1, v2) = vertices
        let path = NSBezierPath()
        return bitmap?.representationUsingType(.NSPNGFileType, properties: [NSObject: AnyObject]())

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Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner Simon Lewis is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Simon Lewis and justanapplication.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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